Tuesday 7 May 2013

band website

I set upon making the band website on wix.com (a free, online html editor that alllows free publishing of the websites you design) wix allowed me to create a basic template with title, navigation bar, a main body of text, background images to the page and even social media icons that linked to our youtube, twitter and facebook. the wix suite even allowed for html players to be added so I added a few of the bands songs from their soundcloud and embedded them in the website.

the website has multiple pages including a homepage, gallery, albums, band and a contact us form for users to interact with us. The gallery contains a few slideshows and two videos, the slideshows are of the band and filming with them and the videos are of the animatic and the finished music video. I am pleased with how the website turned out and am glad it includes features for social interaction between the audience and us through the use of forums, facebook like buttons, twitter links etc. in the future I could possibly add a merchandise section to the website.

The website is live now at: http://sunnywithachanceofri.wix.com/hearthandhome

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